Specific issues about some drivers are addressed in pages listed at BuildHints. Some optional libraries include those for GRASS, FITS, OGDI, HDF4, JPEG2000 and ECW. Use configure -help to see the configure options. There are quite a few optional drivers that depend on 'external libraries'.GDAL includes built-in versions of libz, libtiff, libgeotiff, libpng, libgif, and libjpeg if pre-installed versions are not available (or not desirable). A basic GDAL build shouldn't have many pre-requisite packages.Just get and install it if you don't already have it. GDAL depends on GNUmake on Unix platforms.This can often be accomplished by setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include /usr/local/lib. In order to run GDAL after installing it is necessary for the shared library to be findable. # See below for installation of Python bindings % export GDAL_DATA=/path/to/install/prefix/share/gdal
% export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/install/prefix/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH % export PATH=/path/to/install/prefix/bin:$PATH configure -prefix=/path/to/install/prefix On Unix platforms you might be able to build it as follows (assuming it is unpacked or checked out of subversion as gdal): GDAL has been successfully built on Linux, IRIX, Solaris, BSD, and MacOS X.